The sophisticated opener “What The Open Heart Allows” is a soulful gem…
…effectively a music-making laboratory where wrote and recorded his songs, his studio hideout is the place of childhood fantasies

With memorable vocal melodies and universally relatable storytelling, it’s hard to figure out why someone with such songwriting prowess is so obscure, though if there’s any justice out there what won’t be the case for long.

The result is a satisfyingly cohesive album that brings to mind everyone from Michael Penn to Nick Drake

there isn’t a single moment when his DIY approach to album-making doesn’t pay dividends of some sort. Few albums you hear in 2017 speak as directly to listeners.

He’s an interesting, thoughtful person with a gracious perspective on life.

Slowdive, LCD Soundsystem, Ride…U2 and Foo Fighters, are looking to cement their places in the upper echelons of music with new albums coming. Now it’s veteran singer-songwriter Brad Peterson‘s turn to make a comeback
Beautiful…Peterson attempts to bring the cinematic nature of the song to life
perhaps the purest definition of “indie record” imaginable…to create a compelling world all the singer-songwriter’s own.
Brad Peterson has been described as “exemplifying the ethos of the independent-intrepid musician” and this new track from him is lovely, buzzing with nice harmonies and a bit of jangle.
he doesn’t wear out his welcome and in fact, leaves us wanting more. I want more Brad
The recording of the album alone should be a testament to Brad’s undying strength, as he recorded all the instruments himself, persevering beyond the pain and internal woe. Really, this song’s a marvel, but we should rejoice in the spirit of music for bringing Brad back to us.
An esoteric and curious amalgam of indie-rock and mid century pop.
Peterson’s sound really grabs you with a lusciously produced mixture of banjo plucking
and electronic whirring, all coming together to form a truly wonderful pop song.
A wise album that was probably borne of pain, it’s a left field monster that anyone with a
serious taste for modern pop should checkout.
has a wonderfully elegiac air fueling its acoustic singer/songwriter sensibility and Peterson sings it with unvarnished passion
Once again, Peterson’s vocals bring everything home in a big way. The Ellipsis Album has something to offer all potential listeners and it is difficult, if not impossible, to not admire an album that takes so many chances and makes them all pay off.